Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Multnomah Falls

Barlow and I decided that it would be good to get out of the house and take a break from studying so I dragged Barlow down the Columbia Gorge Canyon to Multnomah Falls. I'd heard that it was a pretty hike and I saw on the website that it was only 1.2 miles one way. Although I'm not in the best of shape I thought 'sure we can do that, it's not that far'.


Upon arrival you can see the falls right away they are pretty tall. They are supposed to be the second highest (620 Ft) in the United States.

First off you hike up to a concrete bridge (The Benson Bridge) that crosses over the base of the falls. It's a really easy walk and this constitutes the first 0.2 miles of the hike.

I really wanted to get some exercise so I was sure that this would be a great opportunity. Barlow pretened to be unenthused about the hike, but I secretly think he liked it.
Wow it was sooo steep I had to take several breaks, but it was worth it you can see across the road to the Coumbia. It's a long ways down. I took heart in that I wasn't the only person who was out of shape and had difficulty with the hike there were a lot of folks with sweat pouring down thier faces.
630 ft in 1 mile doesn't seem all that much... but it honestly kicked my butt. It was worth it becasue the view was great! We went the afternoon so it wasn't too hot, but I were still excited to stop at 7-11 on the way back to get a slushee afterall I think we earned it.


Purcell Family said...

Wow, looks great! I am glad that you are taking a few breaks from your studying and doing something pysical-it should help your studing! Love ya tons!


Chelsea said...

They are pretty aren't they. I have never hiked past the bridge so good for you. Remember the time we hiked around that lake in Ohio-- that took forever (and it was freezing).

The Poll Family said...

You guys are awesome! I'm not sure I would ever make it through a hike like that!! Also, got your announcement in the mail the other day! I'm so excited for you guys!!